Review Baby Alive Baby All Gone – Blonde

Baby Alive Baby All Gone – Blonde

Baby Alive Baby All Gone - Blonde

Baby Alive Baby All Gone – Blonde features:

It’s snack time for your Baby All Gone doll and she’s hungry for her favorite food — “bananas”. Put the “bananas” in the spoon accessory and “feed” them to your adorable little friend. She’ll “eat” them all up and make them “disappear” just like a good baby should.

With BABY ALIVE dolls, you can have fun caring for your doll just like a real baby! This BABY ALL GONE doll is so much fun to pretend to feed. Her strawberry yogurt disappears when you place the filled-up spoon in her mouth. Then her milk disappears when you tip her bottle up to give her a drink. Pretend to feed this talking baby doll again and again!

Give baby her yogurt and watch it disappear!

Give baby her bottle and watch the milk disappear!
Food and Drink Disappear!
Little girls will delight in feeding and caring for

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